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Xliff Editor 2 7 1 – Xcode Localization Made Easy

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Home / news / Xliff Editor 2.8.4 – Xcode localization made easy. (Industrial) Xliff Editor 2.8.4 – Xcode localization made easy. 2 hours ago Sisi. img File size: 4.7 MB Xliff Editor - its fast to load, easy to use, and has a low memory footprint. Did we forget to mention Inline tag protection. This document defines version 2.1 of the XML Localization Interchange File Format (XLIFF). The purpose of this vocabulary is to store localizable data and carry it from one step of the localization process to the other, while allowing interoperability between and among tools.

Last Updated on September 1, 2020 by

Developer: SweetP Productions, Inc.

Xliff Editor – its fast to load, easy to use, and has a low memory footprint. Did we forget to mention Inline tag protection, Fuzzy search, intuitive shortcuts, multiple concurrent file editing and native spell checker. It also has some pretty nice customizations you can use to better suit your workflow.

Not all Xliff editors have been created equally. Bear share. We've custom built our own XML parser to read even the most complex Xliff v1.2 files. Xliff Editor effortlessly handles Segmentation, Inline tags and Alternate translations.

*Whats an XLIFF file?
An xliff file is a standardized file format based on XML, used to represent localization data. In its simplest form the original(source) string is stored as well as its translated(target) complement. Xliff files enable localization to be much more user friendly, and less error prone than manual translation. Xliff files can be identified by the extensions .xliff or .xlf. SDL Trados (.sdlxliff) also uses the xliff format, but includes some extra proprietry data.

Xcode 6 introduced the ability to export/import all your localisation data, taking away the need for sending various file formats to your localisers for translating. The XLIFF format makes translating a cinch, as it removes all the layout and formatting, and just provides a simple text-to-text translation mechanism for your translators.

*Xliff Editor Features:
-Highlighted search
-Fuzzy search
-Spell checker
-Easy recognition of un-translated strings
-XLIFF, XLF file support
-SDLXIFF read support with export to XLIFF
-Support for alt-trans and seg-source nodes
-inline tag protection
-Support for editing Multiple files simultaneously
-Beautiful interface

**Currently only XLIFF v1.2 files are supported.

What's New
Version 2.8.3:
• Added preliminary support for the xlz file format

Xliff Editor 2 7 1 – Xcode Localization Made Easy Tutorial


Size 2.1 MB
Compatibility: OS X 10.11 or later, 64-bit processor
Languages: English, Dutch, French, German, Spanish
Copyright Copyright © 2020 SweetP Productions. All Rights Reserved
  • Details:

Good code is its own best documentation. As you're about to add a comment, ask yourself, 'How can I improve the code so that this comment isn't needed?' Improve the code and then document it to make it even clearer.

- Steve McConnell

In this chapter, let's talk about localization. The iOS devices including iPhone and iPad are available globally. The App Store is available in 150 countries around the world. Your users are from different countries and speak different languages. To deliver a great user experience and reach a global audience, you would want to make your app available in multiple languages. The process of adapting an app to support a particular language is usually known as localization.

Xcode has the built-in support for localization. It's fairly easy for developers to localize an app through the localization feature and a few API calls.You may have heard of localization and internationalization. You may think that both terms refer to the process of translation; that's partially correct. In iOS development, internationalization is considered a milestone of building a localized app. Before your app can be adapted to different languages, you design and structure the app to be language and region independent. This process is known as internationalization. For instance, your app displays a price field. As you may know, some countries use a dot to indicate decimal place (e.g. $1000.50), while many other countries use a comma instead (e.g. $1000,50). The internationalization process involves designing the price field so that it can be adapted to different regions.

Localization is the process of adapting an internationalized app for different languages and regions. This involves translating static and visible text to a specific language and adding country-specific elements such as images, videos and sounds.

In this chapter, we'll localize the FoodPin app into Chinese and German. However, don't expect me to translate all the text in the app - I just want to show you the overall process of localization using Xcode.

Internationalizing Your App

The first step of building a localized app is internationalization. In this section, we will modify the app so that it can be easily adapted to various languages.

First, let's talk about the user-facing text of the app. There is tons of user-facing text in the source code. For convenience, we simply specify the strings in the source code. Figure 25-1 displays a few user-facing text in the RestaurantTableViewController class. When it comes to localization, these hardcoded strings are not localizable. We have to internationalize them first.

At the heart of string internationalization is the NSLocalizedString macro. The macro allows you to internationalize the user-facing strings with ease. It has two arguments:

  • key - the string to be localized
  • comment - the string that is used to provide additional information for translation.

The macro returns a localized version of string. To internationalize the user-facing strings in your app, all you need to do is wrap the existing strings with NSLocalizedString. Let's do some code changes so you can fully understand the macro. Take a look at the below code snippet from the RestaurantDetailViewController class:

All the field labels are displayed in English and are non-localizable. Mac cleaner 3 torrent free. To make them language independent, you just need to wrap the strings with NSLocalizedString:

Xcode actually stores the localized strings in Localizable.strings files. Each language has its own Localizable.strings file. Say, your user's device is using German as the default language, NSLocalizedString looks up the German version of the Localizable.strings file and returns the string in German.

That's all we need to do to internationalize the user-facing strings. But wait! How can you translate those labels in the storyboard? That's what we're going to discuss in the next section.

Export for Localization

Starting from version 6, Xcode comes with a new export feature to streamline the translation process. The export feature is intelligent enough to extract all localizable strings from your source code and Interface Builder/Storyboard files. The extracted strings are stored in an XLIFF file. If you haven't heard of the term, XLIFF stands for XML Localization Interchange File, which is a well-known and globally-recognized file format for localization.

To use the export feature, select the FoodPin project in the project navigator. Then head up to the Xcode menu and select Editor > Export For Localization. When prompted, choose a folder to save the XLIFF file. Xcode then examines all your files and generates the XLIFF file.

If you accept the default file path, you should find the en.xliff file under your project folder. Open it with a text editor, you should find something like this in the file:

Xcode has extracted the strings that we have just wrapped with the NSLocalizedString macro. Other than that, the file should have something like this:

The export feature already examined the storyboard and extracted all the localizable strings, including labels and button titles. Typically you pass the file to a professional translator for translation. The translator then uses an XLIFF-enabled tool to add all the missing translations. Or, like me, you can use Google Translate to do the translation and Xcode editor to edit the file. You only need to translate the text enclosed by the tag. Content inside the tag contains comments that we (or Xcode) added, so you do not need to translate them. The translated text is placed inside the tag. Below is a part of the Traditional Chinese translation file:

The first line of the XML code specifies the original file and the target language of the translation. The target language specifies the language code of the translation. zh-Hant is the language code of Chinese. For German, the language code is de.

Import Localizations

Assuming your translator has completed the translations and passed you the translation files (, you just need a few clicks to import the translations. Head up to the Editor menu and select Import Localizations. When prompted, select the translation file (e.g. zh-Hant.xliff). Xcode automatically compares the translation with the existing files and shows you the differences (see figure 25-3).

If you confirm the translation is correct, click Import button to import it right away. If you have other translations (e.g. de.xliff), repeat the same procedures to add them. When finished, Xcode displays the available localizations in the project screen. You should notice that Xcode adds the localized resource files in the project navigator.

Xliff Editor 2 7 1 – Xcode Localization Made Easy Using

Before we move on to testing the localized app, let me give you some more information about base internationalization and the localized resource files. Let's first take a look at Localizable.strings. These files are automatically generated after the import process. The localized strings in source code (i.e. those wrapped with NSLocalizedString) are stored in a language-dependent Localizable.strings file. As we have imported the zh-Hant and de translations, you should find two versions of Localizable.strings files in the project navigator.

If you look into any of the Localizable.strings Fl studio for macbook air. file (say, the Chinese version), you will find the translation of the localizable strings. At the beginning of each entry, it is the comment you've put in the source code. On the left side of the equal sign, it is the key you specify when using NSLocalizedString macro.

The second thing I want to talk about is base internationalization. As you can see from figure 22-4, the Main.storyboard is now split into three files. Two of them store the translations. So what is Main.storyboard (Base)?

The concept of base internationalization was first introduced in Xcode 4.5. Before Xcode 4.5, there was no concept of base internationalization. Xcode replicates the whole set of storyboards for each localization. For example, let's say if your app is localized into 5 languages. Xcode generates 5 sets of storyboards for localization purposes. There is a major drawback of this design. When you need to add a new UI control in the storyboard, you'll need to add the same element in each localized storyboard. That's a tedious process, which is why Apple introduced base internationalization in Xcode 4.5.

Xliff Editor 2 7 1 – Xcode Localization Made Easy Learning

With base internationalization, an Xcode project has just one set of storyboards that is localized to the default language. This storyboard is known as the base internationalization. Whenever the storyboard is localized into another language, Xcode only generates a .strings file containing all the text of the base storyboard. This efficiently separates the UI design from the translations.

Testing the Localized App

One way to test the localization is to change the language preference of the simulator and then run the localized app on it. Weathersnoop 4 1 9 esv. Starting from Xcode 6, Apple provides a powerful preview feature that lets you preview your app in different languages and regions, both at runtime and in Interface Builder. I will go through them with you one by one.

Xcode 6 supports preview at runtime. You can enable this feature by editing the scheme sheet and set your preferred language in the dialog box.

In the dialog box, select Options and change the application language to your preferred language. For example, Chinese (Traditional). Click the Close button to save the setting.

Now click the Run button to launch the app; the language of the simulator should set to your preferred language. If you've set it to Chinese, your app should look like the screenshot shown in figure 25-7.

Alternatively, Xcode allows you to preview the localized app UI in Interface Builder. In the preview assistant, you can preview the localized UI by selecting the language from the language pop-up at the lower right corner of the preview window. If you forgot how to open the preview assistant, please go back to Chapter 5 and check out the Previewing Storyboards section.

Localizing Resources

Other than text, you may want to localize resources such as images, videos and sounds. For example, you can display a locale-specific image in the About tab. Figure 25-9 shows the German and Chinese version of the image.

From the very beginning, we used the asset catalog to manage the project's images. Unfortunately, asset catalogs do not support localization. To localize an image in your app, one way is to import the file directly into the project navigator. First, download this image pack from After unzipping the file, you will find three versions of the about logo.

Xliff Editor 2 7 1 – Xcode Localization Made Easy Download

Now, right click on the FoodPin folder in the project navigator and select New Group. Name the group images. This step is optional but creating a new group allows you to better organize your project resources. Next, drag aboutfoodpin.png from Finder to the project navigator. Make sure that Copy item if needed is enabled when prompted. The image is then copied to the project folder. Now, select the file and bring up the File inspector. In the localization section, you should find the Localize… button. Click the button, choose Base and click the Localize button to confirm.

After that, you'll see the Chinese (Traditional) and German options in the localization section. Select both languages and Xcode code will generate three versions of aboutfoodpin.png in project navigator.

Now that you've created the localized versions of the image, they are stored in separate folders. You can locate the folder by selecting the localized version of image to reveal the full path in the File Inspector. The German version of the image is stored under the de.lproj folder, while the Traditional Chinese version is stored under the zh-Hant.lproj folder.

By default, the image generated in the localized folders is the same as the original. To localize the image, what you need to do is to replace the images under de.lproj and zh-Hant.lproj with their own localized versions.

Lastly, remember to change the image of the About view controller from about to aboutfoodpin.png in about.storyboard, because we no longer use the about image from the asset catalog.

Cool! Phonerescue for ios 3 7 2 (20190321) download free. It's time to test the localized UI. If you got everything right, here are what you'll see for both German and Traditional Chinese versions.



I have walked you through the localization process in Xcode 7. With the export feature and preview function, localizing an iPhone app has never been as easy as it is today. In this chapter, you've learned how to localize text and images in storyboards using the built-in localization support of Xcode. You should also know how to localize strings using the NSLocalizedString macro. Remember that your apps are marketed to a global audience - users prefer to have an app UI in their own language. By localizing your app, you'll be able to provide a better user experience and attract more downloads.

For reference, you can download the complete Xcode project from

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